XOPA392YBJR is low maladjusted voltage, low noise, low the input slants the accurate operation amplifier of buy electric current

XOPA392YBJR is low maladjusted voltage, low noise, low the input slants the accurate operation amplifier of buy electric current

Product model: XOPA392YBJR

Product brand: Apparatus of TI/ heart state

The product encloses: BGA6

Product function: Operation amplifier

XOPA392YBJR character

● is low maladjusted voltage: 10 μ of ± V (maximum)

● low temperature floats: 0.18 μ of ± V/ ° C

● low input slants buy electric current: 10fA

● low noise: 4.4nV/ √ Hz is when 10 KHz

Noise of ● low 1/f: 2 μ VPP (0.1Hz comes 10Hz)

Voltage of ● low power source runs range: 1.7V comes 5.5V

Electric current of ● small static state: 1.22mA

● stabilizes quickly: 0.75 μ S (1V, 0.1% )

● presses quickly place rate: 4.5V/ μ S

Electric current of ● high output: + short circuit of 65/ – 55mA

● gain bandwidth: 13MHz

● course is inputted to course and output

Limits of ● rated temperature: 40 ° C reachs – + 125 ° C

● is inputted already filter divides EMI and RFI

XOPA392YBJR explains

Amplifier of XOPA392YBJR series operation (OPA392, OPA2392 and OPA4392) have exceed low maladjusted voltage, Wen Piao and input to slant buy electric current, implementation course is inputted to course and can output. Besides accurate dc precision, communication function can realize low noise and the transient state that stabilize quickly to answer via optimizing. Profit from these character, XOPA392YBJR makes converter of modulus of drive high accuracy (converter of digital-to-analogue of high resolution of ADC) or amortize (the good choice that DAC) outputs.

Does XOPA392YBJR use the E-trim of TI? Operation amplifier technology, need not any input behead wave or automatic buy 0 technologies, can come true exceed low maladjusted voltage and maladjusted voltage Wen Piao. This technology can be inputted in the light of sensor or photoelectricity diode electric current measures implementation to exceed low input to slant to voltage buy electric current, establish the high-powered level that cross block for optical module or medical treatment appearance thereby.

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