The Market Analysis of Intelligent Terminal Master Chip in China
The 21st century is intelligent era, smartphone, tablets and other intelligent devices has become an inevitable part of life. With “intelligent”, “mobile” wave continuing pushing, intelligent terminal gradually rises in worldwide market.
In 2011, the market size of global smart terminal master chip reached $9.251 billion, an on-year growth of 16.8%, despite the weak economic environment. In the coming years, the driving forces of intelligent terminal processor chip still come from smartphone and tablets, and the market size is expected to amount to $15.73 billion by 2016.
China, as the world’s largest producer of consumer electronics, will also be the largest consumption market of consumer electronics chip. In the recent years, the HD video player, tablet PCs, smart phones and other intelligent terminal industries brought the rapid growth of China’s chip sector with sales in 2011 at 36.97 billion yuan, compound annual growth rate of 59.6% and 26.5%, respectively.
The competition landscape of China’s intelligent terminal master chip market
On the sales side, the top ten in China’s smart terminal master chip market are all international manufacturers, including Qualcomm, Samsung, Broadcom, TI, Marvell and Nvidia. Due to the absolute leading position in the field of smartphone processor, Qualcomm ranks first; Samsung, because of rich product supply in smartphone, player, digital TV processor, ranks the number two; followed by Taiwanese-based Mstar who represents more than 30% of market shares in digital TV chip field; in addition, it starts shipping smartphone processor, a strong momentum. The old analog manufacturer-TI takes the fourth position, surpassing Marvell.
Analysis to master chip market of HD player
After some foreign PMP companies began introducing HD decoding program in 2007, Chinese IC manufacturers kicked off HD master plan in 2008. Albeit experiencing financial crisis in 2009, the emerging market still saw long-term development. Coming to 2010, the HD trend of video player rapidly improved, boosting fast growth of HD video player chip market; by 2011, master chip segment of Chinese digital HD video player has increased to 290 million yuan from 14 million in 2007, up by 20 folds. Heading into the future, this market will maintain trepid growth, mainly fueled by the integration of smartphone, tablets and other products and the expansion of market size, as well as nearly saturated penetration in HD video player market which will rise to 640 million.
From competition landscape perspective, player market concentrates most Chinese IC enterprises, but there are also foreign companies in HD video player master chip market. Since Allwinner Technology in Zhuhai China launched various HD video player master chips, it has won main market position in two years with market shares of 36.2% in 2011, ranking the number one.