The Development Trend of Medical Electronics Ⅱ

The Development Trend of Medical Electronics Ⅰ

Third: security. In order to prevent the hackers from invading patient data, chip will add encryption technology, enabling the chip of an authentication function; this high-security chip shows large market demand. For medical electronics solution providers, understanding and grasping the related standards, certification and norms in the medical electronics industry and put them into the design and management of the program exhibits more competitiveness and strategic significance than adding product functions.

Fourth: remote chip management. Remotely upgrading and removing patient information through internet requires the MCU to have secure communications capacity.

Fifth: the parallel operation multi-MCU and mutual communication capacities. With the equipment becoming complex and multi-functional, equipment usually have multiple MCUs, the effective communication among which is very important. So the standard MCU communication protocol should achieve establishment.

Six: establishing standard supporting medical data exchange, especially HL7V3 standard, so the equipment can be directly linked into the Public Health Information Network.

Furthermore, in addition to the basic home medical equipment, medical electronics also include aging population care equipment, chronic disease management device, which also shows large demand. Aging population care equipment, aside from body guardianship, also needs to monitor position. Chronic disease management device asks for long-term measurements, monitoring, such as to high blood pressure, diabetes, some data should keep in storage for 10 even 20 years, and the equipment will move toward miniaturization, all of the above requirements post higher requirements for MCU. In the future, the development of integration, network, intelligent also will become the catalyst for the rapid growth of portable medical electronics, so future MCU will have higher integration, which can decline power consumption and cost significantly.

Not only MCU, sensors will also see greater developments, the accuracy and reliability requirements may exceed military, mainly comprising PH sensors, optical sensors, electronic sensors, how to combine these sensors with MCU effectively will be the real test to medical device manufacturers.