The Development Trend of Future Inductance Technology
Inductance recently made some new progresses in technical aspect. As the new functions of electronic product increase, functional requirements of chip components also become more and more diverse. Although the chip rate of electronic components has reached as much as 70% or more, the development is not balanced. Some components because of technology, structure and material and other factors, it is difficult to realize the goal. As magnetic beads components which have the structure of inductive, its function is not as an inductor, but anti-electromagnetism interference. At present the chip of the magnetic beads components has become the largest amount of chip inductor components being used. These new components design and materials are the new problems electronic components are facing.
At present, in order to achieve the chip development of the microwave ceramic components, over-current protection components, ceramic components, sensitive magnetic transformer of elements, all countries in the world are developing the microwave ceramics medium which has a low temperature sintering characteristics and sensitive ceramic material and the corresponding materials of multi-layer co-firing technology.
Due to the development trend of the electronic products to high frequency (microwave band) is very strong, such as wireless mobile communication developed to 2 GHz, , bluetooth2.4 GHz short-range wireless data exchange system up to 5.8 GHz. In addition, high speed digital circuit products are more and more, the transfer rate of optical communication has already developed from 2.5 Gbps to 10 Gbps. These developments put forward higher request on components, such as lower the parasitic inductance and parasitic capacitance, improve the resonance frequency, reduce the high frequency ESR, improve the high frequency Q value, etc. Using inductor made by traditional magnetic materials, limited by the influence of its material properties, it can’t greatly increase operating frequency, so ceramic materials will come into being. Now almost all of the high frequency inductances are made by ceramic materials, the present use frequency of laminated ceramic inductance has raised from the original 1 GHz to 6 GHz near or above.
What we should pay attention to is that inductors in the new compound trend at present are also very conspicuous. At present, the inductor compound mainly uses LTCC technology to compound inductor and other active, passive components. In product development trend, composite inductor and the filter, couplers, balance and non-balance converter, double the duplexer technology made by capacitor has already become more and more mature. In the module products made by composite inductor and other main and passive components, currently the major manufacturers have developed including RF modules, VCO modules, and Bluetooth module.
At the same time, along with the low voltage, large current chip development trend, and environmental protection requirements of low power consumption green products, it also requires peripheral components has low DC resistance and high tolerance to current ability. At present, lapped inductance of the tolerate current has increased from a level milliamperes in the last century to ampere level, laminated products with microhenry amount of inductance can even replace winding power inductor.