Psychologist and Author Dr. Kelly Neff Announces the Launch of her new Lucid Planet Platform and Radio Show, Lucid Planet Radio

In May 2015, psychologist, author, and radio show host Dr. Kelly Neff launched Lucid Planet Radio on Transformation Talk Radio. Dr. Kelly Neff is also the founder of The Lucid Planet platform, a wellness and personal transformation website. Her articles on psychology, transformation, and wellness have reached millions through websites like The Mind Unleashed, Mind Body Green, Wake Up World, My Tiny Secrets, and Elephant Journal.

Radio show topics include health and wellness, science and technology, psychology, sex and relationships, spirituality, visionary culture, art, music and festivals. Past guests of the show have included Dr. Eben Alexander, Neurosurgeon and Proof of Heaven author; Dr. Susan Blum, Functional Medicine expert specializing in healing autoimmune disease; Brigitte Mars, Holistic Healer and Raw Foods Expert; vibrational alchemist Jimmy Ohm and visionary artist Android Jones.

Upcoming radio show guests include DMT: The Spirit Molecule film producer Mitch Schultz; Brad Burge, Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) Director of Communications and Marketing; and Dr. Amit Goswami, Quantum Physicist, known as the Quantum Activist. Additional upcoming guests include famed “Magicians of the Gods” author, anthropologist and speaker Graham Hancock; world-renowned psychic medium Bill Philipps; Dr. Fred Luskin, psychologist and expert on forgiveness; Emmy-nominated host Jason Silva, and visionary artist and philosopher Michael Garfield.

States Kelly Neff, The Lucid Planet is more than a website or a radio show; it really is a Platform, and it is becoming a movement of like-minded people coming together to help transform the world by transforming their own lives. Change happens not only through learning about psychology and self-help but also by asking important questions about our consciousness and the nature of reality, and by immersing ourselves in the joyous celebration of life… We do this by nurturing our own self-expression and by becoming active participants in creating our own visionary culture and experiences.

Dr. Neff spent seven years as a psychology professor before becoming a full-time author, during which she helped thousands of students learn about health, relationships, love and sexuality, and co-authored the groundbreaking manual in her field, Teaching Psychology Online.

As a social psychologist, many of the broad and far-reaching topics come from host Dr. Kelly Neffs background and training in this area. Psychology topics are important because they encourage listeners to explore and heal their inner worlds. Topics include mental health (anxiety, depression, overthinking, somatic issues, alternative therapies) personality (introversion/extraversion, narcissism, openness, emotions) and relationships (love, sexuality, community, compassion).

Dr. Neff is an avid participant in the transformational culture scene, both in her home state of Colorado and globally. The show was inspired by Kellys desire to create a space for positive, uplifting transformational media–across psychology, news, wellness, health, visionary art culture and festivals, and to inspire people to transform their worlds from within. What defines the transformational movement is that we are constantly evolving and striving to become more Lucid: and when I say Lucid, I mean Clear, Present and Connected. I hope that Lucid Planet can offer a space for the seekers and for the dreamers to explore the intersection of their inner selves and their outer world, and help to support everyone who is witnessing the evolution of their individual and our collective consciousness, says Kelly Neff.

The show airs on Transformation Talk Radio on Wednesdays at 2pm PT / 5pm ET at For the latest updates, visit Facebook:

About Dr. Kelly Neff:

Dr. Kelly is a social psychologist, author, director of The Lucid Planet and the host of Lucid Planet Radio. She has taught thousands of people about psychology and human sexuality. Her writing for websites like The Mind Unleashed, Mind Body Green, Lucid Planet and more has reached an audience of millions. Dr. Kelly received her B.A. in Psychology from Georgetown University, magna cum laude, in 2004, and received M.A. in 2006 and her Ph.D. in 2010, summa cum laude, from Claremont Graduate University.

About Lucid Planet Radio:

With its motto of “Transforming the World From Within, the goal of Lucid Planet Radio is to empower people to transform their lives and their world. Lucid Planet Radio will empower listeners with tools to go within and connect to their deep inner knowledge, passion and purpose.

About TransformationRadio.FM:

TransformationRadio.FM is a powerful online radio community that has a little something for everyone. It features an incredible variety of focused, specialized channels that bring listeners the best information, connecting them with the leading-edge experts in science, medicine, energy, psychology, health, various genres of spirituality, love, relationships, women, and human potential. Tranformation.FM is also a community full of support, first-hand information and advice ready to get listeners in touch with others in their area of interest and expose them to a whole new world of topics and information.

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