Niche applications sustain line

Taiwan suppliers are keeping NiMH batteries and packs in their selections even if most have migrated to lithium production because of better returns. The former chemistry has found a niche in applications requiring increased safety such as power tools, industrial instruments and medical equipment. A mature technology, NiMH is more reliable on this score than lithium.

At present, rechargeable AA and AAA models lead mainstream supply in Taiwan. Units with low self-discharge rates, marketed as ready-to-use batteries, comprise a key trend. These promise a life span twice longer than traditional variants.

Such versions resolve capacity decay problems, retaining 70 to 80 percent of capacity even after six to 12 months. As price competition is tight in this category, makers expand portfolios and offer related products such as battery chargers to boost sales. Others, including Hotgiant Co. Ltd, act as agents, subcontracting manufacturing to mainland China partners to cut costs.

The island has more than 500 suppliers of batteries and packs, with the majority operating factories in the mainland. Fewer than 10 pursue NiMH battery packs, mostly for OEM and ODM business.