Spectacular Dancing Robots Welcome the New Year!
Let’s all welcome the Fire Monkey! New Year, new start, and new innovations coming through!
In celebration of the Chinese New Year and the beginning of the reign of the Monkey this 2016, China Central Television (CCTV) unconventionally honored the event with 540 awesome dancing robots.
The much-awaited variety show New Year special airing annually on the said Chinese Network once again wowed the audiences with this wonderful act. The droids were seemingly dancing interpretatively to the tune of singer Sun Nan’s song about the great China shooting itself spectacularly towards the top of the world. All 540 of them were armored in white vests with some areas revealing the droid joints. Their eyes and ears were lit bright blue with a shape that was gives the impression of preparedness for the year and the battles ahead.
This charming robot performance was also accompanied by the grand formation of 29 dazzlingly-lighted drones and magnificent and true-to-life glitter bombs as part of its glorious ending. The whole scene reflected the strength and progress of China as an advancing nation.
This dazzling joint-forced performance of robots and drones took place at the glowing skyline of Guanzhou with luminous neon lights all over. The city is 75 miles northwest towards Hong Kong. It was indeed a marvelous sight to witness.
Watch the eye-catching New Year presentation of the dancing robots and drones below.