China’s Rural Market – Another New and Promising Driving Force for LED Industry
The winter of 2012 is extremely cold for worldwide LED lighting industry, which suffers the serious oversupply and fierce price war due to the huge market outlook as well as the strong policy support of various countries. As such, under the environment of increasing integration for LED segment, seeking for new market become an urgent problem for LED manufacturers, especially for those without robust strength and competitiveness. And the rural market begins to attract LED makers.
China is a large agricultural country; incandescent bulb is the general lighting lamp in rural families with annual sales reaching one billion. With the rapid development of rural economy, the improvement of people’s living standards, as well as the higher requirements for the quality of life lighting for farmers, especially the introduction and implementation of energy-efficient lighting policy promoted by government in last year further causes the huge market demand in rural area.
According to related data, there are more than 900 million farmers in China’s rural market, which undoubtedly implies huge consumer demand for LED lighting industry. In addition, it is reported, Chinese countryside in recent years saw the “low-carbon boom”, energy-saving lighting, electric cars, solar bath; farmers shows a growingly high enthusiasm to low-carbon revolution, which provides strong consumer support for LED lighting occupying rural market.
Meanwhile, with the rise of LED agricultural lighting market in recent years, LED, as a new lighting source that is available of agriculture, gains favor, including LED plant light, LED animal light, bath lighting, and so on. It is understood the most widely application area is still plant lighting, covers the entire growth stage ranging from nurturing, growth to flowering, fruit. As available land resources reduces as well as environmental pollution becomes increasingly serious, indoor planting of vegetable and flower will become the trend for future agriculture development. The developed modern technology will transfer the relying-on-the-weather agriculture into modern high-tech agriculture, and out-of-season planting will become normal; as a result, LED can achieve application in modern agriculture that will also expand more widely market for LED application.