? Amplifier of operation of electric current of OPA376AIDBVR nicety, low noise, small static state

? Amplifier of operation of electric current of OPA376AIDBVR nicety, low noise, small static state

Product model: OPA376AIDBVR

Product brand: Apparatus of TI/ heart state

The product encloses: SOT23-5

Product function: Operation amplifier

OPA376AIDBVR character

● low noise: 7Hertz of.5 NV/ √ when 1 kilohertz

● 0.1 Hz comes 10 Hz noise: 0Parcel post of V of.8 μ (Parcel Post)

Electric current of ● static state: 7Model of A(of 60 μ is worth)

● is low maladjusted voltage: 5μ V(model is worth)

● gain bandwidth is accumulated: 5.5 MHz

● course is inputted to course and output

Power supply of ● only power source

Voltage of ● power source: 2.2 V comes 5.5 V

Of ● economic space enclose:


OPA376AIDBVR explains

OPA376AIDBVR series represented the amplifier of operation of new generation low noise that uses E-trim, have outstanding dc precision and communication property. Course is inputted to course and output, low maladjusted (V of 25 μ , maximum) , low noise (7.5 NV/ √ ) hertz) , maximum of A(of 950 μ ) static electric current and 5.5 MHz bandwidth make this parts of an apparatus suits all sorts of nicety and portable application very much. In addition, this parts of an apparatus has quite wide power source range and outstanding PSRR, because this suits very much,need not adjust direct by the application of batteries power supply.

Version of OPA376AIDBVR(only channel) offer microcosmic, the dimension SC70-5 of specific domain, SOT-23-5 and SOIC-8 are enclosed. OPA2376(double passageway) offer DSBGA-8, VSSOP-8 and SOIC-8 to be enclosed 3 kinds. 4 passageways of OPA4376() use TSSOP-14 to enclose. The limits of rated job temperature of all model is – 40 ° C comes + 125 ° C.

OPA376AIDBVR series belongs to the amplifier of operation of new generation low noise that has E-trim, provide outstanding dc precision and communication performance for the client. Low noise, course is inputted to course and electric current of output, small maladjusted, small static state, make these parts of an apparatus become all sorts of nicety and the ideal that portable applying anthology. In addition, this parts of an apparatus has outstanding PSRR and range of broad power supply, suit the application of batteries power supply that need not adjust very much.

Amplifier of OPA376AIDBVR series nicety provides excellent dc performance and communication performance. OPA376AIDBVR uses power supply of only power source, can drive allows sexual load greatly, have wide input in all modular voltage limits, suit drive SAR ADCs and 24 inputs with higher resolution converter very much. Include in-house ESD to be protected inside, OPAx376 series offers a variety of industry standards to enclose, the form of brilliant round chip that includes the application that saves a space in the light of need is enclosed.

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