Abuse Recovery with Modern Psychological and Ancient Spiritual Techniques with Expert Dr. Carol Francis on “Freedom for All” Radio Show – December 19
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) December 04, 2014
Abuse Recovery using scientific tools of modern psychology and the spiritual tools of Rosicrucian metaphysics is presented by Dr. Carol Francis on Freedom for All Radio show on December 19 and podcast thereafter on this link.
About Abuse Recovery Program with Dr. Carol Francis
“Impact of abuse stretches from depleted self-esteem, extreme confusion about life in all dimensions and compromised relationships and successes. Abusive moments are experienced as if these abusers reach out of the past and continue to choke the abused with sudden intrusive memories or insidious horrible false beliefs. So many therapies address these experiences available to those abused such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Biofeedback, HeartMath Confluence, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, EMDR, EFT, Positive Psychology, Mindfulness, Hypnotherapy and those therapies helping with relationship work. These modern tools also dovetails with complex and very useful tools discovered in old schools of personal/spiritual transformation as found in the Rosicrucian philosophy. Modern psychology and metaphysical spiritual schools combined have much to offer anyone suffering abuse.