Consumer Electronics Industry Presented a Fundamental Transformation

According to a newly report released by the IHS iSuppli, in recent years, consumer electronics (CE) industry presented a fundamental transformation, for example, the smart phones and media flat plate these multi functional device sales hugely increased step by step. In contrast, the demand of single functional device has presented long-term reduction. This research company predicted that in 2010 to 2015, in smart phone market, the annual average is expected to grow by 28.5% a year, and flat plate is expected to grow 72.1%. And in the same period, portable navigation devices, media player/MP3 player, digital camera these products will present shrink or merely flatten situation. IHS iSuppli analyst Jordan Selburn, taking MP3 walkman for example, the market presented irreversible trend down, the cause was not that consumers no longer listen to the music, but this function is indulged into other products (mainly smart phones), others such as PND, digital cameras are also affected.

IHS iSuppli has the following forecasts for important consumer electronics market future performance:

  • Intelligent mobile: the shipment will be grown from 2010 with 294.3 million sets to 2015 of over 1 billion.
  • Flat plate: the shipment will grow from 17.4 million units to 262.1 million units.
  • PMP/MP3: it will decrease from 180.1 million sets down to 126.8 million units, with an average yearly decrease of 6.8%. It is worth noticing that market is from 2004 to 2009 per year has an average growth of 38.7%, thus we can see the great change of the market.
  • PND: it decreased from 41.5 million to 37.2 million units, an average year reduction of 2.2%. Compared with the last years, this market in 2004 to 2009 created as much as 88.9% of the average annual growth rate.