TL16C752CIRHBR has the double passageway UART of 64 byte FIFO

TL16C752CIRHBR has the double passageway UART of 64 byte FIFO


Product model: TL16C752CIRHBR

Product brand: Apparatus of TI/ heart state

The product encloses: VQFN32

Product function: Low power amplifier

TL16C752CIRHBR character

● SC16C752B and XR16M752 cite a base compatible and other enhance a function

● supports 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V or 5V power source

Limits of ● moving temperature is – 40 ° C comes 85 ° C

● support is as high as:

48MHz oscillator inputs clock (3Mbps) , face 5V job voltage

32MHz oscillator inputs clock (2Mbps) , face 3.3V job voltage

24MHz inputs clock (1.5Mbps) , face 2.5V job voltage

16MHz inputs clock (1Mbps) , face 1.8V job voltage

64 byte of ● are sent / receive FIFO

The baud that ● can choose through software leads generator

● is used at direct memory to access (DMA) , interrupt generate and software or hardware shed pilot but process designing and send and receive FIFO optionally to touch hair n

● software / hardware sheds control

Programmable Xon and Xoff character, optional ” Xon random ” (Xon Any) character

Programmable requests automatically to send (RTS) and keep clear of automatically send (CTS) modem controls a function (be all set of CTS, RTS, data (be in order of terminal of DSR) , data (indicator of DTR) , ringing (RI) and carrier wave detect (CD) )

● DMA signal transmits a function, the data in be being used at PN to enclose is sent with receive

● RS-485 mode supports

Association of ● infra-red data (IrDA) function

● but mode of process designing dormancy

● but process designing is serial interface is characteristic

5, 6, 7 or 8 character, can generate 1, 1.5 or 2 stop

Occasionally desired result, odd desired result or without odd even desired result generate with detect

● mistake is started interrupt with circuit detect

● interior checks to return a function with annulus

TL16C752CIRHBR explains

TL16C752CIRHBR is general asynchronous sends and receive a two-way implement (UART) , have 64 byte to be entered first go out first (FIFO) and automatic hardware and software shed control function, data transmission rate is top can amount to 3Mbps. This parts of an apparatus has the magnetic field sense that enhances a function to measure a solution. This parts of an apparatus has a transmission character to control register (TCR) , can store the n of FIFO threshold value that receives, in be being used at flowing in hardware and software to control a process, be started or stop to transmit.

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