LM5085SDX/NOPB is constant guide a switch control of time PFET step-down implement

LM5085SDX/NOPB is constant guide a switch control of time PFET step-down implement

Product model: LM5085SDX/NOPB

Product brand: Apparatus of TI/ heart state

The product encloses: WSON8

Product function: PFET step-down switch control

LM5085SDX/NOPB character

● LM5085-Q1 is product of form of a car, passed attestation of AEC-Q100 1 class (40 ° C reachs – ties of job of 125 ° C is lukewarm)

● the limits of 4.5 wide input voltage to 75V

What ● uses R is adjustable current limliting DS () or electric flu measures resistor

● but frequency of process designing switch achieves 1MHz

● does not need annulus road compensation

● exceeds swift transient state to answer

● circuitry and frequency of the job when load changes are almost changeless

● 1.25 V is adjustable output voltage

● nicety 2% feedback are fiducial voltage source

● can 100% occupy sky comparing to move

● interior is soft the timer that start

● compositive high pressure slants buy adjuster

● heat closes machine

● packs:



WSON8 date

LM5085SDX/NOPB explains

LM5085SDX/NOPB is efficient controller of PFET switch adjuster, can use at easily development to suit the adjuster of small-sized and efficient step-down of all sorts of application. The buy inside controller of this high pressure driver of grid of a PFET and a high pressure slant buy adjuster, can work inside the 4.5 wide input limits to 75V. Constant guide a time adjustment principle need not annulus road compensation, simplified circuit comes true, bring exceed swift laden transient state to answer. Because input voltage is mixed,guide an inverse ratio relation between time, working frequency keeps changeless almost when circuit and laden change. PFET framework allows 100% take sky comparing job, low pressure is poor. Or is RDS () of PFET or exterior detect resistor is usable at detecting electric current detects with undertaking drifting.

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