74ls373 brings crural graph and function

Odd a commonly used address in engine system the 74hc373 of 74LS373 of Suo Cunqi chip and Coms. It is the 8D trigger that brings output of 3 condition amortize, its bring crural graph and structural principle graph, circuit to join the plan is as follows:

74LS373 makes crural plan, join of circuit of graph of internal composition principle pursues






Direct Qi = Di



Maintain (Qi keeps changeless)



Output tall block
            74LS373 function
E G D Q   
L H H H   
L H L L   
L L X Q 
The watch is the truth table of 74LS373 on, in the watch:
      L — low n;
      H — tall n;
      X — indeterminate form;
      Q0 — the n of the Q before building stable state;
     G — input end, connect tall n with 8031ALE: Straightway low n: Close door lock to put. The OE in the graph — make can be carried, ground connection.
     When G= ” 1 ” when, 74LS373 output carries 1Q, 8Q and input end 1D, 8D is identical;
     It is when G drop when the edge, data-in the lock is put.